The Remote Worker’s Toolkit: 5 Essential Gadgets to Boost Productivity

remote worker

remote worker

So you’ve decided to join the ranks of remote workers. Congratulations! Working from home definitely has its perks, like avoiding rush hour traffic and wearing your pajamas all day. But to be an effective remote employee, you’ll need the right tools to stay productive. Here are 5 essential gadgets every remote worker needs in their toolkit:


Must-Have Gadgets for Video Calls and Virtual Meetings

When working remotely, high-quality video conferencing is a must. Invest in the following gadgets to make virtual meetings and calls more productive:


A webcam allows you to connect face-to-face with colleagues and clients. Look for a 1080p HD camera with autofocus and built-in mic for the best experience. Models like the Logitech C920 are very popular.


A good headset cancels background noise and provides clear audio. Choose a wireless Bluetooth model for mobility or a wired USB headset for reliability. Either way, opt for a noise-canceling mic and padded earcups for comfort during long calls.

Additional monitor(s)

Multiple monitors make it easy to view meeting participants, share your screen, take notes and more. For a basic setup, a 24-inch to 27-inch HD display should work well. For more real estate, consider a dual monitor stand and two matching screens.

Strong internet connection

A fast, stable internet connection is key to high-quality video chats. For the best performance, get an ethernet cable to directly connect your device to the router or modem. If Wi-Fi is your only option, place the router in a central location away from interference and get the fastest speed available in your area.

Device charger and portable battery

There’s nothing worse than your laptop or tablet dying mid-meeting. Keep your devices fully charged with a high-speed charger and consider a portable charger for backup power in case of emergencies. With the right gear on hand, you’ll be ready for any virtual meeting marathon.


The Best Noise-Canceling Headphones for Remote Workers

To maximize your productivity when working remotely, a good pair of noise- canceling headphones is essential. Here are some of the best options for remote workers:

Bose QuietComfort 35 II

Bose is the leader in noise-canceling tech, and their QuietComfort 35 II headphones are a remote worker’s best friend. They block out ambient noise so you can focus, and they’re super comfortable for long work sessions. The built-in mic means you can easily take calls or join virtual meetings. At around $350, they’re an investment but worth every penny for serious remote workers.

Sony WH-1000XM4

Sony’s premium WH-1000XM4 noise-canceling headphones give the Bose a run for their money at a slightly lower price point. They offer exceptional sound and call quality, with touch controls and voice assistance. They’re adjustable, long-lasting, and collapsible for travel. For $350, Sony’s latest model is a stellar choice for remote work and entertainment.

Anker Soundcore Life Q20

If you’re on a budget, the Anker Soundcore Life Q20 provides solid noise cancelation and comfort for under $60. They’re wireless, lightweight, and provide up to 40 hours of playtime per charge. While the sound and call quality isn’t quite up to par with the Bose or Sony models, the Q20 gets the job done for casual remote work at an affordable price.

Noise-canceling headphones are a must-have for any remote worker. With options at various price points, you can choose a high-quality pair that suits your needs and budget. Your focus and productivity will thank you.


Standing Desks and Ergonomic Chairs: Upgrading Your Home Office Setup

If you spend long hours working from home, having the right setup is essential for your health, comfort, and productivity. Two must-haves for any remote worker are an adjustable standing desk and an ergonomic office chair.

A standing desk gives you the flexibility to stand or sit while working. Standing helps reduce back and neck pain from prolonged sitting, improves circulation and energy levels. Look for a desk with preset height options so you can adjust it for standing or sitting. Some even have treadmill attachments so you can walk in place.

An ergonomic chair provides proper lumbar support for your lower back, adjustable armrests, and a swivel base. Mesh back chairs are breathable and comfortable for long periods. For the best ergonomics, your knees should remain at a 90 degree angle, your arms level with the desk surface and your computer monitor at or slightly below eye level.

With the right gear, you’ll feel less distracted by discomfort and more focused during hours of remote work. Your back and body will surely thank you, and with standing and movement built into your routine, your health and mood will benefit too. When it comes to being a productive remote employee, the proper office setup makes all the difference. Investing in a high-quality desk and chair is worth it for your wellbeing and work efficiency in the long run.



So there you have it, the essential gadgets every remote worker needs to boost productivity and make the home office feel more like a real workspace. With a solid laptop, noise-canceling headphones, a wireless keyboard and mouse, a webcam, and a standing desk, you’ll be able to focus better, avoid distractions, and feel more engaged during the workday. And when you need to take a break, it’s so much easier to transition to personal time without the mental context switch of leaving an office. The future of work is flexible, and with the right tools for the job, remote working can be highly satisfying and help you achieve an optimal work-life balance. So what are you waiting for?

Time to gear up and get down to business from the comfort of your own home. The office of the future is wherever you want it to be.

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